Denver North Mission....He leaves on November 3rd and we are so excited for him. I have to post just how getting his mission call went that Thursday morning. We were leaving on Thursday morning to go to Park City for the Point 2 Point bike race. All calls in Vegas arrive in Thursdays mail, but we really wanted to get on the road early because Brads family had planned a party that evening for us. We found out from a note in the mail box to the carrier, that mail is delivered about noon, but she gave us a number for the Post Office, to call and see if they could pull it and we would pick it up. Brad called and the woman on Wednesday morning said that if should not be a problem, but to call back the following morning and see what they can we called packed (in hopes that this would go down) and the call to the Post Office that morning was not as hopeful. The gentleman said that it would almost be impossible to do that, but to call back in about an hour.
Brad, being Brad, could not wait, so he and David got in the car and drove to the Post Office to see if they would have more luck standing there, and they were Successful!!!!! They walked in the door with the large white envelope, which within held the future of David's next two years.
We were going to get in the car and arrive in Utah and with Sammi there, open the envelope, but we could not with Sam on speaker phone David opened his call!! Colorado will be wonderful for him.
Denver North Mission |
He reports to the MTC on November 3rd 2010
We love you David, and are so proud of you!
I am so happy for him and your family!
Missions are the best!!
Tell David Congrats!! He is such a great guy and I know he will do great. He has such an easy going personality and he is so likable!! I am sure you are going to miss him!!
Yay!!!! Congrats! I think it's hilarious you guys couldn't wait. David is going to be an awesome missionary!!! And his companions are going to LOVE his packages from home with your homemade cookies in them. You'll be the best missionary mom ever.
Hooray for David, and for the whole Sneed family! He will be an excellent missionary! We are excited for his new great adventure serving the Lord full time! love to you all!
Congrats David!!! We are so excited for you!! Please let us know when he speaks in church!!! Love you guys!!!!
Congratulations, David and family! We are so excited for you!
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